Reiki & Selbstheilung

Reiki @Kirstin

Bedeutung von Reiki

Übersetzt bedeutet das Wort REIKI soviel wie “spirituelle/geistige
Lebensenergie.” REIKI ist ein Kunstwort, welches von Usui Mikao
aus den japanischen Wörtern REI (Geist/Seele) und KI (dem
chinesischen Qi = Lebensenergie) gebildet wurde und in der
westlichen Puplikation als “universelle oder universale
Lebensenergie” übersetzt wird.

Was ist Reiki und wozu dient es?

In erster Linie dient eine REIKI Behandlung dazu, die natürlichen
Selbstheilungskräfte zu aktivieren und in Gang zu setzen.

Durch körperliche Konditionen, bedingt durch Krankheit, Unfall oder altersbedingte Umstände, ist
der Körper in seiner Mobilität sowie Vitalität oft sehr belastet und
eingeschränkt und “funktioniert” manchmal nicht so, wie sich der
Betroffene sich das gerne wünschen würde.

Durch das Aktivieren der Selbstheilungskräfte durch REIKI kann
unser Körper von seinen “eigenen Energiereserven” profitieren.
Dadurch wird der natürliche Heilungsprozess beschleunigt und Schmerzen reduziert.

In konzentrierter Form gelangt die Energie durch REIKI auch durch materielle Dinge wie Bandagen, Gipsverbände oder Kleidung und kann so durch den REIKI Therapeuten, den sogenannten Kanal für diese universelle Energie, dort hin “platziert” werden, wo sie benötigt wird.

Seit einigen Jahren arbeiten Reiki Therapeuten/-innen in verschiedenen Kliniken, wie z.B. dem UKB der Berliner Charité (Orthopädie & Unfallchirurgie) und auch im
Sankt-Hedwig-KH in Berlin, der Johanniter-Klinik in Bramsche, der
Klinik Greiz sowie in Pflegeheimen.

Reiki wurde 2008 von der WHO als alternative Heilmethode anerkannt und wird weitaus mehr praktiziert als vermutet.

Wofür Reiki erfolgreich, begleitend und bereichernd eingesetzt wird:

● Medizinische Behandlungen wie Akupressur, Atemtherapie
● Chiropraktik, Lymphdrainage, Massage, Physiotherapie, Psychotherapie
● begleitend bei Reha, in der Rekonvaleszenz, nach Krankheit oder operativen Eingriffen
● bei Rückenschmerzen oder Verspannungen durch Stress oder Fehlhaltung
● Depression, Schlafprobleme, Trauma, Burnout, emotional ungelöste Blockaden lösen, Alpträume, Trauerbewältigung, u.v.m.

Gesundheitliche Aspekte:

● mehr Energie
● weniger Stress
● bessere Verdauung
● erhöht die Mobilität
● reduziert Schmerzen ● verbessert die Schlafhygiene
● Stärkung des Immunsystems

Besonders in den Pflege- und Sozialberufen und bei Menschen mit sitzender Tätigkeit
ist es nur zu empfehlen, sich eine “Auszeit” während der freien Zeiten zu gönnen.

Eine Reiki Behandlung kann dazu verhelfen, Verspannungen zu lösen
und die daraus resultierenden Schmerzen zu minimieren. Zur selben Zeit wird durch
die Energie von Reiki der natürliche Selbstheilungsprozess aktiviert. Reiki wirkt
ganzheitlich auf Körper, Geist & Seele.

What is Reiki and is it for you?

Each and every one of us – and all things – are made of energy – FACT!!! Reiki, as most of us know it in the West, is a form of a Japanese healing system. Reiki (pronounced ray-kee) is defined as universal life force energy. Rei means ‘universal’, ki means ‘life force energy’. You may have heard the words chi or prana to refer to the same energy.

Most people don’t stop and think about the energy flowing through their body. We just go through life day after day never knowing or realizing how much our energy is affected by others and whether or not our energy is flowing freely and aligned. Reiki is something that flows through everything. So, whether you consider yourself a mystic or everyday person, Reiki is and always will be part of you – it’s simply energy. 

Some people are skeptical of Reiki because we cannot see it. We cannot see energy moving through our walls either, but when we turn on the lights we know it’s there. With Reiki, you cannot see it but most often you can feel the energy moving during a session. You don’t have to be a ‘believer’ to experience the benefits of Reiki because there’s nothing to ‘believe’ in – again, it’s simply energy.

So, what is Reiki?

–  It’s the energy that runs through each and every one of us  –

there are many different Reiki methods being used today. How do you know which is right for you? If you know someone who has received a Reiki treatment, ask them what their experience was like. How does a person know if their body’s energy is out of alignment? When a person is dealing with any sort of chronic pain, it’s a good sign that their energy is out of alignment. When we experience things on the mental and emotional levels, they often manifest into physical pain and discomfort.

When someone says they haven’t been feeling well or have been experiencing a form of pain but the doctors are unable to diagnose what’s wrong, that can also be a sign that their energy may be out of alignment. For those currently under a physician’s care, Reiki can be administered along with their regular medical care. Reiki is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent an illness or disease. Reiki is used in conjunction with conventional medicine. Many hospitals offer Reiki to their patients as a form of integrative medicine.

Hands ON or hands OFF?

1 : 1 or via distant treatment?Some practitioners use a hands on approach, some work slightly above the body (hands off), while others use a combination. This is the preference of the practitioner and often depends on how they were trained and what feels right for them.If they use hands on, practitioners are taught to avoid personal areas such as the breasts and genitalia.

Practitioners generally ask if the client is comfortable with light touch during the Reiki session.Most practitioners recognize that some people do not like, nor want, to be touched. If this is the case for you, I suggest finding a practitioner that is comfortable with the hands off approach or get treatments via a distance, which I offer too.

What Can Reiki Do for You?

Reiki can help reduce tension, relieve stress, reduces pain and promotes healing on many levels. It’s wonderful as part of a self-care regimen to keep your energy flowing and aligned. Many chemotherapy patients use it to help with side effects. Those under a physician’s care for anxiety or depression or insomnia may find Reiki very helpful too.Reiki is a great way to benefit the mind, body, and spirit.

If you’re interested in trying it out, you can contact a local practitioner to see if they’re running any specials or contact me for a distant session.There are so many benefits to Reiki. There are plenty of websites dedicated to Reiki. If I’ve interested you so far, I ask that you continue to research it until you’re comfortable enough to try it.

Can Reiki Do Any Harm?

No. Reiki does not. During a Reiki session, your body is not being manipulated in any way. I am working with your energy to help you physically or otherwise. It is, however, important to find an experienced and certified Reiki practitioner.

Are Reiki practitioners psychic?

Some people think Reiki practitioners are psychic. Some are, but not all. It is not uncommon for a Reiki practitioner to develop their psychic senses while practicing Reiki since we are working with energy. If a practitioner claims to be intuitive or psychic, this is oftentimes a way of letting you know that they may offer more to the experience than the standard Reiki session itself. I’ve had some people not want to tell me where their pain is to see if I pick up on it.

Again, we’re not here to be psychics during a Reiki session. Therefore, I would suggest that a person tell their Reiki practitioner where their pain is so their session can be more effective and beneficial.

Is Reiki a Religion?

No. Reiki is not a religion. Reiki practitioners come from all different walks of life, religions, races, etc. Broadly speaking, Reiki practitioners simply want to help others heal.

Are Reiki Practitioners Healers?

No. Though some refer to themselves as such. We are healing facilitators. Each person is responsible for their own healing. Any healing that takes place during a session is because the client allowed it to happen and the power of self healing will be promoted.


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